Podcast Resource

Podcasts that URI Staff Listens to and Recommends

Jordan Peterson

Clinical Psychologist and University of Toronto Professor. 

Just Thinking - RZIM

Ravi Zacharias and RZIM Staff give daily doses of Christianity and Reason.

Reasonable Faith - William Lane Craig

Dr. Craig talks about his books, his ministry, as he tackles some of the biggest questions and biggest critics of Christianity. 


Justin Brierley hosts a conversation between two people with opposing philosophies and theological thoughts. It is a great place to get to hear the other side of any position as leaders in specific fields come to wrestle out truth.

Cleaning Up The Mental Mess

Dr. Caroline Leaf helps us master our mental faculties to ensure we get to become better versions of ourselves.

Naked Bible Podcast

Dr. Michael S. Heiser, the author of The Unseen Realm. Hosts a podcast about “Biblical Theology, stripped bare of denominational confessions and theological systems by exposing context.